LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

Master the Art of Marketing

The Storyteller Marketer team works with you to guarantee an unmatched return on investment. Our LinkedIn Ads services are designed to multiply your sales by 10X and reach 300% more potential customers ready for action.

LinkedIn Ads for Unmatched ROI

Flexible Plans Suits Your Business

Got a better deal elsewhere? We’ll top it with a 15% discount and promise the same, if not better, quality!

ProConnect Plan ✨

Best for B2B startups looking to target professionals on LinkedIn.
$697 / instead of $900
  • Setup of LinkedIn Company Page
  • Setup of LinkedIn Ad Account
  • Creation of 1 Ad per week
  • Target Audience Research
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Analytical Report
  • Re-Targeting
  • A-B Testing
  • Scaling Strategy
  • Audience Variation
  • Ads Content Creation Strategy
  • 7-Day Management
  • Turnaround Time: Just 3 Days

InfluentialConnect Plan 💎

Comprehensive ad strategies seeking high-value B2B leads.
$1497 / instead of $2200
  • Setup LinkedIn Company Page
  • Setup LinkedIn Ad Account
  • Creation of 3 Ads per week
  • Target Audience Research
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Comprehensive Analytical Report
  • Re-Targeting
  • A-B Testing
  • Scaling Strategy
  • Audience Variation
  • Ads Content Creation Strategy
  • 30-Day Management
  • Turnaround Time: Just 7 Days
1 +
Happy Clients
1 +
Projects Done
1 %
Returning Customer
1 +

LinkedIn Ads – Your Growth Catalyst

Let us help you tap into LinkedIn’s 750 million users! With Storyteller Marketer’s LinkedIn Ads services, we guarantee effective results that drive continuous, quality traffic to your business.

Multiply Your Sales with Storyteller Marketer's LinkedIn Advertising
Precision Targeting

Connect with the Right People

We don’t shoot in the dark! With LinkedIn’s 2X higher engagement rate, we ensure your ads reach the professionals who matter most to your business.

Data-Driven Strategy

Make Every Ad Count

We rely on LinkedIn’s detailed analytics to drive 60% more effective marketing decisions. This ensures you get the best out of every ad.

Reach a Highly Targeted Audience with LinkedIn Ads by Storyteller Marketer
Reach Targeted Audience with LinkedIn Ads by Storyteller Marketer
Focused Engagement

Effective Reach

Our aim is not just broad visibility but targeted engagement. With our strategies, your message lands in front of professionals who are 3X more likely to interact with your brand.

Questions? We've Got Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Starting a LinkedIn Ads project with us is simple. Select the package that suits your requirements and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the payment. Post-payment, you'll be asked to complete a questionnaire that helps us understand your website's requirements and goals. Then we will have a strategy meeting to discuss your project timeline and requirements.

Any business looking to reach professionals and decision-makers can benefit from LinkedIn Ads. It's particularly effective for B2B companies, educational institutions, and recruitment agencies.

We utilize LinkedIn's robust targeting capabilities, which include job title, company size, industry, and more, to ensure your ads are shown to the most relevant audience.

LinkedIn Ads allow you to specifically target professionals and business decision-makers, making it especially valuable for B2B marketing. Also, LinkedIn's users have a higher average income than other platforms, making them a potentially more valuable audience.

Content that offers value to professionals, such as whitepapers, industry reports, free trials, and educational content, tends to perform best on LinkedIn.

Absolutely! We rely on LinkedIn's detailed analytics to monitor campaign performance. We can measure success by tracking impressions, clicks, engagement, and conversion rates.

Several factors influence the cost of LinkedIn Ads, including the objective of your campaign, the audience you're targeting, and the bidding strategy you choose. You'll also control your daily budget, which can help manage costs.

Definitely! LinkedIn Ads can significantly boost your brand's visibility, especially among professionals and industry decision-makers. With strategic targeting, compelling content, and regular engagement, your brand can achieve top-of-mind awareness among your desired audience.


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